

TelnetClient is a minimal Telnet client for nuclei scripts

Kind: inner class of telnet

telnetClient.IsTelnet(host, port) ⇒ IsTelnetResponse

IsTelnet checks if a host is running a Telnet server

Kind: instance method of TelnetClient
Returns: IsTelnetResponse - - The response of the IsTelnet check.

  • error - The error encountered during the IsTelnet check.
hoststringThe host to check for Telnet server.
portintThe port to check for Telnet server.


let m = require('nuclei/telnet');
let c = m.TelnetClient();
let response = c.IsTelnet('localhost', 23);

(telnet).IsTelnetResponse : object

IsTelnetResponse is an object containing the response of the IsTelnet check.

Kind: inner typedef of telnet