

PGClient is a client for Postgres database. Internally client uses go-pg/pg driver.

Kind: inner class of postgres

pgClient.Connect(host, port, username, password) ⇒ bool

Connect connects to Postgres database using given credentials. The connection is closed after the function returns.

Kind: instance method of PGClient
Returns: bool - - If connection is successful, it returns true.

  • error - If connection is unsuccessful, it returns the error.
hoststringThe host of the Postgres database.
portintThe port of the Postgres database.
usernamestringThe username to connect to the Postgres database.
passwordstringThe password to connect to the Postgres database.


let m = require('nuclei/postgres');
let c = m.PGClient();
let isConnected = c.Connect('localhost', 5432, 'username', 'password');

pgClient.ConnectWithDB(host, port, username, password, dbName) ⇒ bool

ConnectWithDB connects to Postgres database using given credentials and database name. The connection is closed after the function returns.

Kind: instance method of PGClient
Returns: bool - - If connection is successful, it returns true.

  • error - If connection is unsuccessful, it returns the error.
hoststringThe host of the Postgres database.
portintThe port of the Postgres database.
usernamestringThe username to connect to the Postgres database.
passwordstringThe password to connect to the Postgres database.
dbNamestringThe name of the database to connect to.


let m = require('nuclei/postgres');
let c = m.PGClient();
let isConnected = c.ConnectWithDB('localhost', 5432, 'username', 'password', 'mydb');

pgClient.ExecuteQuery(host, port, username, password, dbName, query) ⇒ string

ExecuteQuery connects to Postgres database using given credentials and database name and executes a query on the db.

Kind: instance method of PGClient
Returns: string - - The result of the query execution.

  • error - If query execution is unsuccessful, it returns the error.
hoststringThe host of the Postgres database.
portintThe port of the Postgres database.
usernamestringThe username to connect to the Postgres database.
passwordstringThe password to connect to the Postgres database.
dbNamestringThe name of the database to connect to.
querystringThe query to execute on the database.


let m = require('nuclei/postgres');
let c = m.PGClient();
let result = c.ExecuteQuery('localhost', 5432, 'username', 'password', 'mydb', 'SELECT * FROM users');

pgClient.IsPostgres(host, port) ⇒ bool

IsPostgres checks if the given host and port are running Postgres database.

Kind: instance method of PGClient
Returns: bool - - If the host and port are running Postgres database, it returns true.

  • error - If the check is unsuccessful, it returns the error.
hoststringThe host to check.
portintThe port to check.


let m = require('nuclei/postgres');
let c = m.PGClient();
let isPostgres = c.IsPostgres('localhost', 5432);